Patterns & Best Practices
Vertical Bar Charts
Submitted by @ireneros, on 06-03-2014When using bar charts in portrait mode, stack your bar chart bars vertically.
Use Vertical Scrolling
Submitted by @ireneros, on 06-04-2014When creating interfaces that don't fit in their entirety on the screen, enable vertical scrolling instead of horizontal scrolling.
Stack Table Cells
Submitted by @ireneros, on 06-04-2014When needing to display tables that have more than a couple of columns consider stacking cells vertically within each row.
Carousel Instead of Tabs
Submitted by @ireneros, on 06-04-2014When allowing users to switch between different displays, instead of using tabs (which require a lot of horizontal space,) consider using a carousel with next and previous buttons.
Fix Tooltips to Area of Screen
Submitted by @ireneros, on 06-09-2014When displaying information on touch, designate an area on screen that will update accordingly.
Use Touch Zones
Submitted by @ireneros, on 06-09-2014When displaying a lot of data points that are hoverable/touchable, consider using defined touch zones instead.
Example Gallery
These patterns are generated based on the examples in our gallery! See them here and submit your own.
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